San Francisco Bay Area, California Brand Photographer Laura is simply a next-level client. She found me through another real estate friend of mine here in Wisconsin, and she made the choice to fly me out for a brand session in the Bay Area (near San Francisco) in California. YOU GUYS, she knew how much she […]

Jan 20, 2020

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realtor headshot at a flower market, My Brand Photographer, a brand photographer for creatives, coaches, fempreneurs, and entrepreneurs in San Francisco, California. #creativepreneur #womeninbusiness #brandphotographer #brandphotography


One topic I hear discussed almost daily in creative and entrepreneur circles is a big one — getting MORE clients! What some brands + creatives might not realize is that before you simply create ads, pin to your hear’s content, and throw every type of content out there trying to get clients/sales, you need to […]

May 23, 2018

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My Brand Photographer, a brand photographer for creatives and bloggers, florists, and wedding pros, free brand evaluation


Brand Session for Elevate Events, Wedding + Event Planners Kirstie and Mallory are wedding and event planners based in Madison, WI and traveling all over the country wherever their clients take them! From Wisconsin to South Carolina, they’re a sister duo (yes, sisters!) creating stunning event designs that celebrate the big + small moments in […]

May 15, 2018

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elevate events, my brand photographer, branding for wedding and event planners, creatives, designers, florists 15


Brand Session for Alexis of Yield and Co, Baker Alexis is a talented baker, cake decorator, and party goods provider in Milwaukee, WI! She creates beautiful baked goods that go far beyond cakes and cookies, and I’ve gotten to sample her creations on several occasions — they taste as good as they look. She’s in […]

May 9, 2018

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yield and co, my brand photographer, branding for baker chef creative professional women featured


If you’re as into personal growth as I am, you might guess that I turn to podcasts to hear what’s going on in the creative industry. Not only do I love keeping up with what’s current in design, marketing, and social media, but story-driven marketing is especially interesting and timely. I don’t listen every single […]

Apr 17, 2018

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My Brand Photographer, a brand photographer for creatives and bloggers, florists, and wedding pros, top podcast recommendations


  A logo. A color palette. That’s what most people think of when they think of a brand, but as a creative, I bet you understand that it’s so much more than that. Seth Godin defines a brand as “the set of expectations, memories, stories, and relationships that, taken together, account for a customer’s decision […]

Apr 12, 2018

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My Brand Photographer, a brand photographer for creatives and bloggers, florists, and wedding pros, what is a brand evaluation


The first two fixes were shared only within my email family, so you should sign up if you missed those! Let’s get to the good stuff: Step #3 of the 5-Minute Fixes Your Brand Needs NOW #3. Be sure that your Bio section talks about your CLIENT and their needs. This is a step that’s […]

Mar 13, 2018

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My Brand Photographer, a brand photographer for creatives and bloggers, florists, and wedding pros


Do you struggle to come up with photo content for your social media? Even if you’re ultra-organized, I bet you do! You’re not alone. You’re hustling to work in your business, provide your services, be creative, and so on… so of course you don’t have endless amounts of time to create social content! I don’t […]

Mar 12, 2018

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My Brand Photographer, a brand photographer for creatives and bloggers, coffee cup and notebook, 10 free office stock styled images


Behind the scenes – look at some of the biggest influencers, what do they have in common? They let you in behind the scenes, share their process, invite you in, and they spark engagement (comments, likes, etc.) by asking questions and also sharing their answers with you! You get to know them in the process, […]

Feb 14, 2018

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My Brand Photographer, a brand photographer for creatives and bloggers, creative workspace for watercolor artist, desk selfie


You’ve heard it before, the conversation about sharing vs. oversharing on social media. Even if you’re a very private person, there are a few ways to share bits of yourself on social media while still feeling comfortable with the level of sharing. Personal brands and influencers of all types are killing this strategy. While I […]

Feb 10, 2018

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My Brand Photographer, a brand photographer for creatives and bloggers, workspace, office plant







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