You’ve heard it before, the conversation about sharing vs. oversharing on social media. Even if you’re a very private person, there are a few ways to share bits of yourself on social media while still feeling comfortable with the level of sharing.
Personal brands and influencers of all types are killing this strategy. While I don’t recommend comparing yourself personally to these brands, I do recommend taking a look to see if you can decipher their strategy. Because you can bet that they’re not simply posting randomly and getting lucky with their success, they have a PLAN.

What’s Next
Let’s get to the good stuff, the move-the-needle-forward stuff so you can get started right away. Here are my best tips for sharing in a genuine way that’s still within your comfort zone:
- Behind the scenes of your workspace: Now, before you protest and tell me that your space is less than pin-worthy, think about how your clients and followers will feel when they see it. It lets them into your world and your creative space! They likely won’t be judging how white your walls are or if you have the perfect desk lamp, etc. Think hard about your ideal client. What are some of their favorite colors, what would they like to see in a workspace, and what do they enjoy? If your workspace exemplifies some of these traits or if you could do the ‘friend test’ and they would enjoy seeing your workspace, share with your followers! // Pro tip: caption the image with something about your process, your workday routine, or one project that you’re currently working on. Share some details and get a conversation started!
- A few of your favorite things: Have a go-to self-care routine? Do you have a pet or a hobby outside of your business/career? Did you go somewhere on vacation recently (or are currently planning a trip or even a quick weekend away)? Do you make lists, meal plan, or do anything else to organize your life that others might benefit from you sharing? These are simply a few ideas that are relatable and that your followers would, without a doubt, love to see!
- Education + growth: Can you think of a mentor, someone you look up to, or someone who has made a big impact on you? How about sharing something you learned from them! If you attend workshops, take educational courses or online learning programs, or uplevel your business, share that! Your clients and followers will see that you value your business beyond simply counting dollar signs, they’ll get a better idea of how you invest your time and advance your skills.
The best part is that you can start to implement these small changes immediately, share very genuinely with your followers, and give them topics to connect with you on. They want to find commonalities with you, it’s human nature — not just you as a business owner, but also you as a person. Now you can let them in and share without fear of oversharing!
Ready to elevate your brand + get more clients? Contact me!
Have suggestions or feedback? Have a great story to share? Email me at: and I promise I’ll reply. I always take the time to respond to emails from my women-business-boss tribe.