Behind the scenes – look at some of the biggest influencers, what do they have in common? They let you in behind the scenes, share their process, invite you in, and they spark engagement (comments, likes, etc.) by asking questions and also sharing their answers with you!
You get to know them in the process, the real them, the heart behind their business. We all have one, and while we feel often “I’m not interesting enough, I have nothing to share” (we’ve all been there) what people really want to see is the real you, they want to find commonalities with you. Normal everyday life.
I also know your follow up question, what if it seems unprofessional? I don’t want to post personal stuff all the time. Then go win your gut! I know you’ve got a business to run, so you don’t have to get super personal, but find a balance that feels right — even if it simply means more behind the scenes of you ‘on the job.’ Start there, it’s a beautiful starting point for those unsure of how to jump in! You can still be professional, but at the same time showing pieces of your personality. How you do what you do, what it looks like to be your own clients. Let them in in a professional way, it’s absolutely possible!