Brand Session: LeAnn of Conway Image Consulting


Nov 22, 2018

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Wisconsin Personal Brand Photographer

LeAnn found me on Instagram while searching for a Wisconsin personal brand photographer, and I’m so glad she did! She’s a talented image consultant based in Brookfield, and consults with clients of all age ranges looking to improve their image – she consults on everything from professional clothing shopping to networking best practices to dining etiquette.

Why Have a Personal Brand Photography Session Now?

It’s true, she’s a well-established business, and she’s very successful and talented at what she does! LeAnn was in a level in her business where she was having her website rebranded and entirely redesigned, and she realized she needed more and updated, professional images for her brand. Her brand is geared towards working professionals, so LeAnn needs to showcase her put-together, professional brand.

What resulted is a polished, curated group of images that she can regularly use on social media — oh yeah, and in her brand new website design!

The process leading up to her brand session included

  • Inspiration/Vision board on Pinterest (bonus, which she got photos of during our session!)
  • Planning document, where she wrote down goals for the session + stories she wanted to tell
  • Planning meeting, where we set the agenda for the session
  • Discussion about locations, models/clients, and props for the session
  • Website + social media review in advance

You can see that most of the work that goes into a successful session is the prep beforehand, and LeAnn came so prepared that we were able to capture even more than we expected.

A huge congratulations to LeAnn, her website launched this month! You can see some of her imagery on her website as well as social media platforms. Thank you for your trust during this creative process, LeAnn, and I can already tell that your business is going to grow even more in 2019!

leann conway image consulting, personal branding photography for wedding and event planners, creatives, designers, florists, coaches, and consultants; photo by my brand photographer in milwaukee, wisconsin leann conway image consulting, personal branding photography for wedding and event planners, creatives, designers, florists, coaches, and consultants; photo by my brand photographer in milwaukee, wisconsin leann conway image consulting, personal branding photography for wedding and event planners, creatives, designers, florists, coaches, and consultants; photo by my brand photographer in milwaukee, wisconsin leann conway image consulting, personal branding photography for wedding and event planners, creatives, designers, florists, coaches, and consultants; photo by my brand photographer in milwaukee, wisconsin leann conway image consulting, personal branding photography for wedding and event planners, creatives, designers, florists, coaches, and consultants; photo by my brand photographer in milwaukee, wisconsin leann conway image consulting, personal branding photography for wedding and event planners, creatives, designers, florists, coaches, and consultants; photo by my brand photographer in milwaukee, wisconsin leann conway image consulting, personal branding photography for wedding and event planners, creatives, designers, florists, coaches, and consultants; photo by my brand photographer in milwaukee, wisconsin leann conway image consulting, personal branding photography for wedding and event planners, creatives, designers, florists, coaches, and consultants; photo by my brand photographer in milwaukee, wisconsin leann conway image consulting, personal branding photography for wedding and event planners, creatives, designers, florists, coaches, and consultants; photo by my brand photographer in milwaukee, wisconsin leann conway image consulting, personal branding photography for wedding and event planners, creatives, designers, florists, coaches, and consultants; photo by my brand photographer in milwaukee, wisconsin leann conway image consulting, personal branding photography for wedding and event planners, creatives, designers, florists, coaches, and consultants; photo by my brand photographer in milwaukee, wisconsin leann conway image consulting, personal branding photography for wedding and event planners, creatives, designers, florists, coaches, and consultants; photo by my brand photographer in milwaukee, wisconsin leann conway image consulting, personal branding photography for wedding and event planners, creatives, designers, florists, coaches, and consultants; photo by my brand photographer in milwaukee, wisconsin leann conway image consulting, personal branding photography for wedding and event planners, creatives, designers, florists, coaches, and consultants; photo by my brand photographer in milwaukee, wisconsin leann conway image consulting, personal branding photography for wedding and event planners, creatives, designers, florists, coaches, and consultants; photo by my brand photographer in milwaukee, wisconsin leann conway image consulting, personal branding photography for wedding and event planners, creatives, designers, florists, coaches, and consultants; photo by my brand photographer in milwaukee, wisconsin leann conway image consulting, personal branding photography for wedding and event planners, creatives, designers, florists, coaches, and consultants; photo by my brand photographer in milwaukee, wisconsin


Ready to elevate your brand + get more clients? Contact me!


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