Brand Session: Alexis of Yield and Co


May 9, 2018

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yield and co, my brand photographer, branding for baker chef creative professional women 1 yield and co, my brand photographer, branding for baker chef creative professional women 2 yield and co, my brand photographer, branding for baker chef creative professional women 3 yield and co, my brand photographer, branding for baker chef creative professional women 4 yield and co, my brand photographer, branding for baker chef creative professional women 5 yield and co, my brand photographer, branding for baker chef creative professional women 6 yield and co, my brand photographer, branding for baker chef creative professional women 7 yield and co, my brand photographer, branding for baker chef creative professional women 8 yield and co, my brand photographer, branding for baker chef creative professional women 9 yield and co, my brand photographer, branding for baker chef creative professional women 10 yield and co, my brand photographer, branding for baker chef creative professional women 11 yield and co, my brand photographer, branding for baker chef creative professional women 12 yield and co, my brand photographer, branding for baker chef creative professional women 13 yield and co, my brand photographer, branding for baker chef creative professional women 14 yield and co, my brand photographer, branding for baker chef creative professional women 15 yield and co, my brand photographer, branding for baker chef creative professional women 16 yield and co, my brand photographer, branding for baker chef creative professional women 17 yield and co, my brand photographer, branding for baker chef creative professional women 18 yield and co, my brand photographer, branding for baker chef creative professional women 19 yield and co, my brand photographer, branding for baker chef creative professional women 20 yield and co, my brand photographer, branding for baker chef creative professional women 21

Brand Session for Alexis of Yield and Co, Baker

Alexis is a talented baker, cake decorator, and party goods provider in Milwaukee, WI! She creates beautiful baked goods that go far beyond cakes and cookies, and I’ve gotten to sample her creations on several occasions — they taste as good as they look.

She’s in the middle of rebranding and a website redesign right now, so it was the PERFECT time for a brand photography session for her to refresh her look and give her updated social + website imagery!

What a lot of business owners don’t realize until it’s an immediate need — you need to have an image library on hand to choose from for projects, social media posts, emails, and everything in your brand’s communication with your audience. In Alexis’s case, she reached out in plenty of time, knowing she was going through her rebrand, and we had such a fun, relaxed session in the I Spy DIY kitchen right in Milwaukee, WI!

It was amazing to capture her in her element, the process of her baking and decorating, and of course some portraits, too. And on that subject, try to think about portraits this way:

We all avoid updating our own portraits, but it’s SUPER easy when you mix them casually into a session with lots of behind the scenes and process images, too.

So if you feel like portraits are painful, ask Alexis, they’re easy when you incorporate them into a session not SOLELY focused on you — it takes the pressure off of you in a very simple way. You’ll forget about the portrait part, and you’ll be able to focus your attention on what you do best and your process. Sounds pretty good, right?

Thank you, Alexis, and best wishes on your rebrand and website launch (coming late spring)!

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