While I don’t need to share our entire birth story of our first child, I do want to share the resources and books that actually prepped me for birthing. The resources that really helped and made a difference for me personally. My birth experience was overwhelmingly positive, mostly because of the amazing support of my husband/partner, our doulas, the doctors and nursing staff, and our families. But I’m also thankful for the great resources I came across, and wanted to share with you.
I am a huge reader, and LOVE to devour books! So I do want to share some resources I found to be truly helpful. No you won’t find cliche books written in the 1970s recommended here (no shade, but we’ve come a long way in the last 50 years).
Along with books, I’ll also share some general resources and programs I also invested in that were beneficial. No I’m not getting paid to mention any of these, I’m simply sharing my honest opinions. If these help even one person who wants to become or is soon becoming a parent, then I consider it a win.
So here are the books and resources I’ve been loving:
In a future post, I’ll be sharing more recommendations like products we love, etc. But I want to use and experience the products we’ve purchased for a little bit longer first, then I can give more solid recs. (Plus, I need a little more sleep first!) So stay tuned if you’re interested, I’ll share more near the end of the year.
For more posts like this, visit the Motherhood section of my blog.