Brand Session: Mina George Films


May 1, 2021

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Branding Photography Session for Videographer

Mina is a talented wedding videographer in Milwaukee, and she was one of my Retainer Clients this past year! We got to use her studio is Milwaukee for our location, and it was the perfect spot for a brand photography session for a videographer.

Often she needs behind the scenes photos, headshots, personal style photos, and similar for her marketing. We’re able to capture all of those aspects in a brand photography session! In Wisconsin we have all seasons, so my Retainer Clients get multiple sessions per year to capture different seasons/locations.

What to Wear for a Brand Photo Session for Videographer

Mina has the perfect fun yet timeless personal style, so she already knows a lot about what to wear in brand photos. That being said, I always direct clients to wear outfits in their brand palette. For Mina, that’s neutral colors and some hints of blush pink and blue. So her outfit choices were perfect to reflect that!

Her brand is also very conversational and friendly, so we pose her in ways that are joyful, approachable, and warm. Brand photography for videographers can be really descriptive and show behind the scenes of their work! Mina has been a joy to work with over the past year, and you can find posts from her other sessions here in my portfolio.

woman headshot in white chair tablet at wood desk woman headshot with laptop woman at desk headshot with plant, videographer brand photoshoot woman working at laptop woman holding a tablet ipad woman headshot in white chair woman entrepreneur with coffee at a table woman videographer holding camera woman on couch looking at phone woman headshot at desk with glasses woman headshot in white chair woman working at desk with ipad woman holding laptop open minimal and light office space with couch woman headshot in white chair woman holding pothos plant woman power pose holding laptop woman holding a tablet ipad woman working at laptop woman headshot at desk with glasses strong women entrepreneur headshot with pothos plant, videographer brand photoshoot woman holding laptop woman headshot in white chair woman headshot with laptop woman on couch looking at phone woman entrepreneur with coffee at a table woman videographer holding camera woman holding laptop woman headshot at desk with glasses woman headshot with laptop woman working at laptop woman headshot cozy on couch woman headshot at desk woman headshot with camera woman headshot at desk woman headshot at desk

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