She Stands Tall, along with other local partners, now organizes and hosts Women’s Entrepreneurship Week in Milwaukee, WI. WEW 2024 was new and improved, and better. than. ever.
Their motto is “Celebrating and Supporting Wisconsin’s Entrepreneurs” and wow do they deliver on that.
To quote from their website:
“Tired of demanding a seat at their table, She Stands Tall® with Melnick & Melnick, S.C., has been building our own table since 2017. In 2023, She Stands Tall® took over Women’s Entrepreneurship Week and with Summit Credit Union as the Presenting Sponsor, made the table bigger, more diverse, and more inclusive.
At WEW 2024, we embraced the theme of “Building the Table,” where we celebrated the spirit of entrepreneurship by fostering connections, empowering innovation, and encouraging growth within our community. It was an inspiring week filled with engaging keynotes, interactive workshops, and valuable networking opportunities.
More than 80 women and non-binary people who own businesses in the Milwaukee and Madison area joined us to share their knowledge and insights.”
And let me tell you, the week was even bigger and better than I anticipated, and really well attended.
I had the pleasure of covering some panel events that brought together the larger Milwaukee women business owner community. It was groundbreaking in so many ways, and solidified the community even more.
Our local women-owned business scene is unrivaled! It was incredible to see all these women and non-binary people come together in one room to support each other. I’m already looking forward to seeing what 2025 will be, and when I don’t have a newborn baby, will be doing my part to volunteer even more beyond providing brand photography.